Your Guide to Planning a Long Vacation

Your Guide to Planning a Long Vacation

If you’ve been dreaming of a month-long beachside retreat or a six-week bike tour through Europe, start planning your itinerary. It’s easier — and more affordable — than ever to take a long vacation. 

Extended travel is no longer the domain of the rich and famous or recent college grads. Thanks to the ease of international communications, flexible work arrangements and sophisticated trip-planning tools, long-duration getaways are becoming more accessible. By taking a month or more to travel, you may enjoy a host of benefits, such as broadening your perspective, enhancing your language skills and deepening your knowledge of different cultures. 

If you’ve been dreaming of a month-long beachside retreat or a six-week bike tour through Europe, start planning your itinerary. It’s easier — and more affordable — than ever to take a long vacation.  Extended travel is no longer the domain of the rich and famous or recent college grads. Thanks to the ease of…

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